Deer Rescue

We were called out to a deer with its leg caught in a fence just north of Chanctonbuy Ring near Wiston , W. Sussex on 28th August.

Sadly, this is an all too common event when you have two strands of barbed wire, and we wish we could rid the countryside of this menace.

Deer caught on a fence in Chanctonbury

This was a chance find by a member of the public after a fallen tree had caused people to move off the footpath, otherwise the deer would have died slowly over several days..

We think the deer had been trapped for about 36 hours as fly eggs had been laid on the wound but not hatched. A kind member of the public helped carry the deer to our vehicle while it was constrained in a sleeping bag.

The deer was taken to Alphapet veterinary clinic, Bognor Regis but unfortunately, despite serious efforts, they did not think the could save the leg due to the exposed bone, and missing skin, and the deer was euthanized.
